PWC is heading in a different direction with its online efforts. Effective immediately, we are discontinuing the blog but our website is alive and well and chalked full of great information! Please visit us at:

ABC's of PWC

Welcome and thank you for your interest in PWC’s networking luncheons. PWC’s goal is to help you build relationships, your business, and your future. Visit www.pwcjax.org for the latest information on membership, programs, and events. 


When:     The first and third Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Where:    Maggiano’s at St. Johns Town Center

Tips for PWC Luncheons


·       RSVP – at www.pwcjax.org by noon Monday the week of meetings. Late reservations will go on a wait list with an additional $5 charge. Wait list reservations will be seated as space is available.  Prepayment by credit card for members is available and encouraged.

·       Lunch Fees:

­   Members: $17

­   Guests: $25

·       Annual Membership Fee – $35. Find applications at www.pwcjax.org.

·       Bring to the Meeting:

­   Your name badge.

­   Business cards to exchange.

­   A door prize to leave at the check-in to promote your business (Door prizes are NOT discounts for business but FREE items of $25 value or higher).

­   Your product & informational brochures to leave on the back information table.


·       50/50 – PWC sells tickets for $5. The winner receives half of the amount collected and the remainder goes to support the Grant Program.

·       Grant Program – Each PWC member (minimum 3 months and in good standing) can pply for a business grant of up to $500. Grants are awarded annually. Applications are available at www.pwcjax.org under “membership resources-downloads”.

·       Spotlight Speaker – Members can pay $75 once a year to talk about and promote their business through a dedicated 5 minute allotment at the meeting. You can sign up on our website www.pwcjax.org under “spotlight”.


·       Website – visit www.pwcjax.org for updates and news

·       Facebook ‘like’ us at PWCjax

·       LinkedIn PWCjax (groups)

·       Twitter @JaxCouncils

·       PWC Blog www.pwcjax.blogspot.com

·       EXCEL-erated Events – Go to www.pwcjax.org to find out about FREE monthly networking events that anyone can attend, or to learn more about sponsoring an EXCEL-erated event.

·       PWC University-  Educational events held quarterly and open to everyone.

·       Get Involved – Attend meeting regularly and volunteer on committees to get to know members.  For more information on committees and how you can help visit www.pwcjax.org and visit Committee Corner.

·       Website Spotlight – Members can purchase for $25 or win a FREE 2-week spotlight on our website homepage.  These are given away to our Facebook followers and/or meeting attendees.

·       Biz Tip:  Optimize your PWC networking experience by:

­   Selecting people you want to meet from the RSVP list available on the website.

­   Bringing business cards, a pen, a calendar, brochures, a door prize to meetings.

­   Following-up within 24-hours to schedule a one-on-one with someone you met.

­   Be prepared with a specific referral of someone you would like to meet.

­   Be a resource for other members by referring and making connections.

­   Remember to thank members and connections for their business and referrals.

If you have any questions, please contact us at pwcjax@gmail.com