PWC is heading in a different direction with its online efforts. Effective immediately, we are discontinuing the blog but our website is alive and well and chalked full of great information! Please visit us at:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Community Involvement [Habitat for Humanity]

The Beaches Habitat for Humanity Women's Build is coming up this Saturday (Feb. 19th) from 7:45-noon. 
Please contact Kirsten Schneider for more information or to volunteer :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

For The Soldiers

Our soldiers work hard everyday at their jobs of protecting and serving.

We would like to be able to give just a little back by sending them tokens of appreciated from home as well as some much needed relaxation from their day to day tasks...so they can be refreshed and get back to doing what they have commited their lives to do!

Over the next few weeks, PWC will be collecting donations of DVD's, magazines, books, etc. for our service men and women overseas. Please bring your items with you to the meetings :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

PWC University [Save The Date]

The Debut of PWC University is finally here!!!

We are so excited to announce the first session...
"As Health Care Reform Turns"
Special seminar presented by Dr. Carolyn McClanahan
March 9th

- Discussing the 10 titles of the health care reform law.
- Objective, in depth review of the contents of the law and it's impact on individuals & business owners.
Hosted by: Brighton Bay
10061 Sweetwater Parkway
Jacksonville, FL 32256

$25 Early Registration; $35 at the door
 RSVP online HERE!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Spotlight Speaker Opportunities

PWC 2nd Quarter Spotlight Speaker Slots open February 2nd!

As a PWC spotlight speaker you are entitled to:
·         Display table dedicated for your company materials.
·         Company materials may be placed on all tables.
·         Five minutes to speak in front of the group.
·         Recognition in meeting evite and PWC website during the preceding 2-week period.

To secure a spot: 
1.     Go online! Fill out the application at http://www.pwcjax.org/pwcjax/SignUp.aspx   
2.     Don’t forget! Respond with your first and second date choices,
3.     Secure your spot! Send payment to PWC by 3/2/11,
4.     Get exposure! Send in your bio and photo to phurl06@yahoo.com

All proceeds from PWC Spotlight Speaker fees go to the PWC Grant Program – the money comes back to YOU! Act quickly as these coveted spots fill quickly! Once you have completed online steps, a confirmation email with instructions will be sent to you. We are looking forward to hearing your 5-minute presentation on the company you represent.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Upcoming Events [February/March]

Feb. 2nd- PWC Meeting
Maggiano's 11:30-1:00
More Details & RSVP

Feb.16th- PWC Meeting
Maggiano's 11:30-1:00
More Details & RSVP

Feb. 22nd- EXCEL-erated
IronStone Bank/ San Pablo
7:30-9:00 am
More Details

March 1st- Southside Sunrise
ALL Councils Event
8:00-9:30am at Costco

March 2nd- PWC Meeting
Maggiano's 11:30-1:00
More Details & RSVP

March 4th- It's HER Business
UNF University Center

March 11th- Cornerstone Luncheon
Hyatt Regency, Downtown
More Details

March 16th- No PWC Meeting
Cancelled for the WIB Awards

March 21st- Women In Business Awards
More Details

March 28th- EXCEL-erated
Pablo Creek Library
5:30-7:00 pm
More Details