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Monday, February 7, 2011

Spotlight Speaker Opportunities

PWC 2nd Quarter Spotlight Speaker Slots open February 2nd!

As a PWC spotlight speaker you are entitled to:
·         Display table dedicated for your company materials.
·         Company materials may be placed on all tables.
·         Five minutes to speak in front of the group.
·         Recognition in meeting evite and PWC website during the preceding 2-week period.

To secure a spot: 
1.     Go online! Fill out the application at http://www.pwcjax.org/pwcjax/SignUp.aspx   
2.     Don’t forget! Respond with your first and second date choices,
3.     Secure your spot! Send payment to PWC by 3/2/11,
4.     Get exposure! Send in your bio and photo to phurl06@yahoo.com

All proceeds from PWC Spotlight Speaker fees go to the PWC Grant Program – the money comes back to YOU! Act quickly as these coveted spots fill quickly! Once you have completed online steps, a confirmation email with instructions will be sent to you. We are looking forward to hearing your 5-minute presentation on the company you represent.

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