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Thursday, June 16, 2011

PWC University [Social Media Recap]

What do you get with you combine 8 panelists, over 30 attendees and wifi? Social Media Magic!

PWC University's second session brought together local social media gurus and business professionals eager to take the next step in expanding or incorporating a new plan of action in the largest growing social phenomenon in the 21st Century.

Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, LinkedIn, YouTube and various sites have changed the way our world communicates and connects. Offering a huge opportunity for future business and marketing, the web offers a more intimate marketing arena whose cost is simply the investment of time.

PWC-U ignited a fire of inspiration and has continued to receive positive feedback. We are so thankful to all who participated and made this hands on workshop a complete success! Stay tuned for news on our next PWC University in August!

images courtesy Kathryn Brown Photography

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