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Monday, November 28, 2011

Leadership and the Entrepreneurial Spirit!

Are you starting a business? Trying to grow your business? Or just trying to manage day to day?

It’s that time of year, when we take a good hard look at our business and revisit everything we’ve accomplished, the mistakes we’ve made and think about what we’d do differently. We’re also looking at our goals for the New Year.

What better time to attend PWC University’s “Leadership and the Entrepreneurial Spirit!”

The event will be held at Brighton Bay (10061 Sweetwater Pkwy) on Wednesday, December 14 from 9-11 a.m.  The cost is only $15 if you register by December 12! Registration after that date will be $25.

Business leaders Lauren Little, owner of Edible Arrangements; Lynne Coggin, owner of The Referral Institute of Jacksonville; and Michele McManamon, vice president and co-owner of Sandler Training will lead a panel discussion. PWC has some questions on hot topics to get them started then questions will be open to attendees!

Light refreshments will be served.

Sponsored by Camille Clement Gregg, owner of Outside the Box Consulting, LLC.

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