PWC is heading in a different direction with its online efforts. Effective immediately, we are discontinuing the blog but our website is alive and well and chalked full of great information! Please visit us at:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Buy Chamber

Besides the networking, PWC aims to educate its members. This was never more apparent that at the last luncheon meeting when Michael Dwyer of Dahger Printing, talked about the Buy Chamber website.
            Michael walked over 80 members through the site, screen-by-screen, to demonstrate the ease of the website. He set up an example deal using his own company and explained that the deals are between the chamber members and whatever money is collected is not routed through the chamber.
To get in and sign up, go to http://membertomemberdeals.com/ or call Kathy Bolesworth at 366-6633 for more information.

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